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ParamaCalc version 2.309, our latest product, is one of the finest calculators ever developed for Windows and is extremely easy to use. Advanced knowledge or skills are not required to use this calculator. It is suitable for students in elementary schools as well as for professional engineers with advanced degrees. It is a superior calculator that everyone should try.

What's so great about this calculator?

First of all, this is one of the best calculators for adding up long lists of numbers because of its roominess. Unlike an automobile, this calculator can be resized. You can stretch the window to the limits of your screen or maximize it to fit long lists of numbers or monstrous algebraic expressions. In the event that your algebraic statement is so oversized that it can't possibly fit on the computer screen, this calculator will avail you with scroll bars to allow you to access all its parts from beginning to end. We really tried to give you plenty of room to work. 

Furthermore, this calculator follows a sensible operator precedence. This means multiplication and division are evaluated before addition and subtraction. However, there are times when this strict order is not acceptable. For these cases parentheses may be inserted to alter the precedence. This is nothing unusual; this idea you have all encountered in grade school. Yet this calculator goes one step further. As an aid in tackling big, complicated algebraic expressions, this calculator allows you to surround subexpressions with not only parentheses but also curly braces and square brackets. For example:

This calculator is very smart: it automatically checks that each left brace matches up with a right brace, each left square bracket matches up with a right square bracket, and each left parenthesis matches up with a right parenthesis. Note that the above example is perfect. However, if you enter some such nonsense like

           { 977 * { 3 + 4 ] / cos{pi/4] / 34 ] / 13.44

the calculator would flag it as erroneous because the left braces are not matched to any right braces. It really does look out for your mistakes.  

This calculator was designed for use with a desktop personal computer and, as such, one of its important features is its absense of a graphical keypad. That is, it does not look at all like a handheld calculator. Calculators designed for use with a computer typically resemble handheld units, with window space wasted on a rectangular array of buttons designed to be pressed with the mouse. Yet computers come with a keyboard – suitable hardware for entering data. So why the graphical keypad on most Windows calculators for PC's? This calculator has no such thing.

    Other Features

  • You can scroll way back so you can double-check, review, or copy and paste what you typed in.
  • Easily retrieve previously entered lines for reuse.
  • You can save your work to a file.
  • Numbers are stored in decimal format instead of binary for increased accuracy in human-centric calculations.
  • Complex number support including phasor notation. This means that even the square root of -1 cannot stump this calculator.  Use complex numbers with ease.
  • Rectangular to polar conversion.
  • Displays up to 17 digits – big enough to handle the U.S. federal deficit till 2100 and beyond.
  • Numbers can be displayed with commas for easy readability. For example 3223432.74 can be displayed as 3,223,432.74. You have also the option to hide the commas if you don't like them.
  • Results of operations can be stored in variables.
  • Evaluates the functions sine, cosine, tangent, logarithm, and many more.
  • It can display a number in a variety of output formats, including decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, and scientific notation, all simultaneously and side-by-side.  This means there is no need to press a HEX button to convert to hexadecimal. 
  • Includes constants such as pi, the speed of light, and many more in both MKS and CGS units.
  • Includes operators for logic and bitwise logic, including a new one never before seen for extending the most significant nonzero bit – very handy for entering negative numbers.
  • It is lightning fast and extremely reliable.

This is a great calculator. Please give it a try! 


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